# AzureMapDataSource

The AzureMapDataSource component is a wrapper component for the DataSource class, it provides a way to handle the data of any geometry shape component.

Here is a an example using the AzureMapDataSource component to handle the data of an AzureMapPoint children component:


      <AzureMapPoint :longitude="-73.985708" :latitude="40.75773" />

import { AzureMap, AzureMapDataSource, AzureMapPoint } from 'vue-azure-maps'

export default {
  components: {

# Supported geometry shape components

AzureMapDataSource supports the following geometry shape components:


In order for geometry shape components to be visible, a layer component must be added as a child of AzureMapDataSource.


      <AzureMapPoint :longitude="-73.985708" :latitude="40.75773" />
      <AzureMapSymbolLayer />

import {
} from 'vue-azure-maps'

export default {
  components: {

# Supported layer components

AzureMapDataSource supports the following layer components:

# Props

Prop Type Default Value Description
id string azure-map-data-source-${index} A unique id that the user assigns to the data source. If this is not specified, then the data source will automatically be assigned an id.
maxZoom number 18 Maximum zoom level at which to create vector tiles (higher means greater detail at high zoom levels).
cluster boolean false A boolean indicating if Point features in the source should be clustered or not. If set to true, points will be clustered together into groups by radius.
clusterRadius number 50 The radius of each cluster in pixels.
clusterMaxZoom number maxZoom - 1 The maximum zoom level in which to cluster points. Defaults to one zoom less than maxZoom so that last zoom features are not clustered.
clusterProperties object undefined Defines custom properties that are calculated using expressions against all the points within each cluster and added to the properties of each cluster point.
lineMetrics boolean false Specifies whether to calculate line distance metrics. This is required for line layers that specify lineGradient values.
tolerance number 0.375 The Douglas-Peucker simplification tolerance that is applied to the data when rendering (higher means simpler geometries and faster performance).